Survivors Who Thrive: Jenny H

We are constantly amazed by the strength and tenacity of some of the members of our global community. So many of you have picked yourselves up, rebuilt and reclaim your lives when others in your same circumstances, would have folded. Today, we're excited to introduce you to Jenny H.
More About Jenny
Jenny Hale is a visibility and marketing consultant living the laptop travel lifestyle while consulting for worldwide clients who are using their stories, experiences, and past pain and turning it into purposeful businesses with a message.
At the height of her corporate career, Jenny experienced domestic violence, packed her bags into the back of her car, and drove across multiple state lines for help from a women’s shelter. At that humbling moment in her life, Jenny realized that she wanted more for her future.
In the first few months of living on couches, Jenny decided to re-brand her old consulting business and take back control of her life. She became a digital nomad, traveling to 10 countries and locations all over the United States in that first year alone. She started seeing 4-figure sales months, then days, and epic visibility like 30,000 people reached organically in an hour.
By sharing her story, her truth, and passion, Jenny was able to host international virtual awareness events to raise education on domestic violence, healing after trauma, and bring her message to thousands of people. She works with cause and advocacy based entrepreneurs to help them find their voice, build businesses that create society impact, and change the world with their marketing message.
In Her Own Words
I used to be so ashamed to admit that I was experiencing abuse at home. It took me a long time to even realize I was in an abusive relationship and in danger. Once I got out, I had this epiphany that I didn’t have much to show for in my life beyond my career. It snapped me out of thinking I had to live my life a certain way because society told me to. I had dreams and goals that I wasn’t going to accomplish if I died during our next fight – so I started prioritizing my vision for myself. I wanted to work remotely, travel the world, and experience life. I believe that as entrepreneurs, we get to create our dreams and that everything is possible. Working with other survivors and business owners to create life-changing services for clients is a huge passion of mine. Together, we can make a difference, educate, and raise awareness.
Learn more about Jenny and her advocacy work at
We Salute Jenny!! Are you a survivor who thrives? We want to celebrate you also. Submit your story here
