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Carman Wilkins: Black Mental Health Professionals Matter

Name: Carman Wilkins


Social Media Handles: @buildingmytable

STMS: What do you do for a living?

CW: I am a community consultant with a background in mental health (child and adult) and homelessness.

STMS: What inspired you to take part in this event when so many in the Black community seek to stay in the shadows with their diagnosis?

CW: Mental Health in the black community is often avoided and swept under the rug. We have dealt with many generational curses and stereotypes and limited quality of care due to our environment and surroundings. I am an advocate for eliminating this stigma and encourage Blacks to seek services to improve their quality of life when needed.

STMS: What organizations or companies do you volunteer with?

CW: I have worked with So Others Might Eat, Woodley House, and Transitional Housing Corporation What causes/organizations do you/your organization support? Eliminating Homelessness Financial Literacy amongst black youth

STMS: What current projects or events should people be watching for from you?

CW: Publishing Building Your Table Local workshops encouraging Self Awareness

STMS: What would you consider your biggest accomplishment in the last year?

CW: Starting and Promoting Building My Table, LLC Publishing Building Your Table What are your goals for the remainder of 2018? Obtain contracts to provide workshops and training in the community Use Building Your Table as a tool to further promote and engage within the community

Where can people keep up with you online?

Instagram and Facebook: @Building My Table

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