The Crazy Like A Fox Tour Hit Philly Like a Ton of Bricks

As we traveled the east coast to spread awareness of mental health awareness and resources in the Black communities we couldn't ignore the diversity in type of women in the room. There were professional women, healthcare professionals, young women, older women, and in a few cities, even other ethnicities. I only proved what we already knew, that these conversations are not only necessary, but universal. Mental health issues, treatments and resources are not "white people problems" and we sure put a face on mental health struggles for Black people and other alike.minorities
Too many of us were taught through our cultures to ignore or disregard our mental health and well being as if they aren't as important as our physical health.

Unlike in Atlanta and Charlotte where I personally hosted the tour stop, in Philly, we were honored to have Chardelle "Motivational" Moore join us as our hostess. She was amazing, her energy, compassion and soothing spirit was just what the panelists and guests needed. Not only was she a skilled host, but to watch her show compassion and hold healing space for our ladies, was beautiful.

Deep conversations were had, family secrets revealed and years long pain, released. Enjoy these snippets from inside the Philly tour stop recorded live on Facebook.
By the end of the event, therapists had stood up and thanked us for this event, new friendships were formed, women expressed things in a room full of strangers that they've never share with a friend. It was beautiful, powerful and healing from start to finish. Check out some photos from the Philly tour stop in the gallery below.
To learn more about our speakers or tour, visit